Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Unwanted Polarizations

elisya maranti

I realize quite rapidly that the circumstances that I often write about, fall in place with those that suffer similar sentiment. On many an occasion it seems I have perhaps put my finger on an open wound, causing pain and perhaps delivering that one aspect that should never be visible on such. Your out pouring’s of emotion and the reality of its relevance puts me in a bind. Without any adverse intent am I being responsible for a misery that may well have remained dormant and silent ? Perhaps in recreating an explanation, the explanation is what causes the damage. Perhaps I should refrain from delving any further into regions that were best silent !!

I do not have the right element of balance to formally explain this to my family, but if perchance it has disturbed any, may I now take precaution and state that these are thoughts that have been made without any specific consideration or example in mind. They just spilled out. For some there was identity, for others an accusation, albeit hidden, and for some a definite belief that it was written keeping in mind certain elements. None of this is true. If there are rumblings of a guilty conscience, so be it. They are not of my making or quality, but if immediate reference is drawn, then that is the making of your own mind. Mine own was never a part of it. Though I shall not keep away from the fact that, what has been expressed does have a root. Perhaps in my personal, perhaps in my general, or perhaps in nothing at all. That shall remain a guessing, which I shall never indulge. Or perhaps I may. To some. No perhaps that would be too undemocratic for a platform that prides itself in keeping away from such unwanted polarizations.

elisya maranti
There are times though when  a random comment has sparked an idea on which I just elaborate and many get the feeling that it is aimed and targeted at person particular. At times it is true. Certain practices that I observe which are unhealthy for the blog, do come under scrutiny, and they get mentioned. Certain behavioral observations are reprimanded, and swiftly amended by concerned person. Some do not. And they remain despite all else. The strength of the ‘club’ is such I believe, that most of its dedicated members take charge, report and resolve. This is healthy and how I would like it to be. But if issues are not addressed and allowed to flourish randomly, then it needs to be brought out and corrected.

Ah ..! But this is too school masterish in its content. My trust and faith in all that decorate this medium is far greater than the errors made, or what most may never be able to ascertain. So let us leave at that !!

“ We are dead for longer than we are alive ” stated Elisya, and nothing could be more apt a description in today’s circumstance. Within our life is where we need to face, bear and change all. For it may take an eternity to wait for ‘rebirth’ , if at all there is any, for rectification.

Youth and its exuberance does at times tend to overlook this vital element of life, and as one grows older, the diminishing time scale, tends to provocate you to hasten the process. Suddenly age becomes a factor that keeps getting connected to wisdom. Time equates to experience, and experience to the wise. There is no measure of it, but the mere reverence time brings along with it, gives one the opportunity to believe the older norm. Quite funny I would say !

And so one survives another day, and another and another …
Survive … not live ! We need to live. Survival shall take care of itself, in following suit.
Live this moment, this hour day and minute … for tomorrow it shall be another … and this moment shall never return – at least not for a while .. for you die longer than you live … !!!!
My affection as always with those that live and love and … so survive

Elisya Maranti

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