Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Inspire by the love of life

elisya maranti

I am inspired by the love of life, its celebration, its sound its very existence. Not many contribute to the fact that in all circumstances of trial and trouble, it is the song that elevates us from all that attempts to bring us down. Song and the singing of it, brings us to that proverbial youth that we all crave for. Youth not in age, but in its metaphorical presence. In its proverbial form life is a giver of all that is required by the human. Peace, love, understanding and a completeness that eludes most of us during an entire lifetime. It is, I believe, imperative to express ourselves in our freedom, in our love, in our relationships - friends, acquaintances, relatives irrespective of how distanced they may seem. A few words of care and consideration, attention and interest gains for us … for us … that moment of great and immense satisfaction of having touched another being.
Many find it too intrusive to give in to such temptation, or perhaps too distanced. But a trial towards its completion would demonstrate to them how wonderful that feeling of sharing is.
At times we shudder at the fact, of perhaps giving in too much in an atmosphere which may not necessarily be desired by the other. But I would think otherwise. I would think that if such act were to be performed, the other would find it difficult to shun it, to do away with it, to perhaps shut it off halfway. It is after all a call of feeling that invites goodness in us all. Pushing it away would obviously convey that there is a problem with feeling well and considerate. Why would anyone in their senses want to flow with that …
elisya maranti
At most they would muster enough courage to speak out and say or accept that feelings of great love and care are not required. This in itself would sound odd and obtuse. It would demonstrate their own weakness and flaws. An aversion to such common feels is not something that would attract many.
Yet for those that fall into the angle of giving, know that, giving does not diminish anything in you. Indeed I would imagine it enhances your stature and strength. With such act you would only receive good will and nothing to the contrary. Giving without remembering would be the ultimate sacrifice for society. I would habitually find it difficult to remember when was the last when I gave. I could remember when I received, but not when I gave !!

I shall happily give you my moment of the day, but shall have a problem remembering it by tomorrow …
Does it really matter that we were unable to remember what had passed. I meet many on the sets of Elisya books, and it has been their reminders that make me think about that which I may well have forgotten. The fact that they remember it, is complimentary in a way. Forgetting it though, morally capable of scoring a point, is embarrassing for me ..  for many it is an act of pretense. So be it. My own conscience may have travelled …. not too far away … but even if it did, it would return to me when called for … and it would be called for the good, for honesty and for integrity !!! Of this one should and could be most proud of … I would certainly ..

Ponder over this … it may make some legitimate sense to some … and if it does consider yourself to be a part of a community that lives in minority … not many may possess the courage to accept the facts …
Good night …

Elisya Maranti

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Unwanted Polarizations

elisya maranti

I realize quite rapidly that the circumstances that I often write about, fall in place with those that suffer similar sentiment. On many an occasion it seems I have perhaps put my finger on an open wound, causing pain and perhaps delivering that one aspect that should never be visible on such. Your out pouring’s of emotion and the reality of its relevance puts me in a bind. Without any adverse intent am I being responsible for a misery that may well have remained dormant and silent ? Perhaps in recreating an explanation, the explanation is what causes the damage. Perhaps I should refrain from delving any further into regions that were best silent !!

I do not have the right element of balance to formally explain this to my family, but if perchance it has disturbed any, may I now take precaution and state that these are thoughts that have been made without any specific consideration or example in mind. They just spilled out. For some there was identity, for others an accusation, albeit hidden, and for some a definite belief that it was written keeping in mind certain elements. None of this is true. If there are rumblings of a guilty conscience, so be it. They are not of my making or quality, but if immediate reference is drawn, then that is the making of your own mind. Mine own was never a part of it. Though I shall not keep away from the fact that, what has been expressed does have a root. Perhaps in my personal, perhaps in my general, or perhaps in nothing at all. That shall remain a guessing, which I shall never indulge. Or perhaps I may. To some. No perhaps that would be too undemocratic for a platform that prides itself in keeping away from such unwanted polarizations.

elisya maranti
There are times though when  a random comment has sparked an idea on which I just elaborate and many get the feeling that it is aimed and targeted at person particular. At times it is true. Certain practices that I observe which are unhealthy for the blog, do come under scrutiny, and they get mentioned. Certain behavioral observations are reprimanded, and swiftly amended by concerned person. Some do not. And they remain despite all else. The strength of the ‘club’ is such I believe, that most of its dedicated members take charge, report and resolve. This is healthy and how I would like it to be. But if issues are not addressed and allowed to flourish randomly, then it needs to be brought out and corrected.

Ah ..! But this is too school masterish in its content. My trust and faith in all that decorate this medium is far greater than the errors made, or what most may never be able to ascertain. So let us leave at that !!

“ We are dead for longer than we are alive ” stated Elisya, and nothing could be more apt a description in today’s circumstance. Within our life is where we need to face, bear and change all. For it may take an eternity to wait for ‘rebirth’ , if at all there is any, for rectification.

Youth and its exuberance does at times tend to overlook this vital element of life, and as one grows older, the diminishing time scale, tends to provocate you to hasten the process. Suddenly age becomes a factor that keeps getting connected to wisdom. Time equates to experience, and experience to the wise. There is no measure of it, but the mere reverence time brings along with it, gives one the opportunity to believe the older norm. Quite funny I would say !

And so one survives another day, and another and another …
Survive … not live ! We need to live. Survival shall take care of itself, in following suit.
Live this moment, this hour day and minute … for tomorrow it shall be another … and this moment shall never return – at least not for a while .. for you die longer than you live … !!!!
My affection as always with those that live and love and … so survive

Elisya Maranti

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Nightside Bloom

elisya maranti
Yes … I have transferred my soul to the Blog now and am willing to face the anger and concern from those who care, on my late hours ! But it shall not change. The commitment to the fans is far greater than my 30-40 winks. Will it and ye shall receive. The physicality of a transfer of pain and desire and work could perhaps be never seen in real terms, but somewhere a bird chirps, flowers bloom, the moon shines, the earth glistens … purely because we thought of seeing it the way we wanted it to.

I see each night what I believe to be the attention that my words would draw, with those who have through years been alongside. Never finding or knowing the reveal, but now that they do, cannot stop its pouring. I talk of myself of course. The years and years languished in agony of inability to reach out, than to surrender to mediums, has finally been overcome. Perhaps not completely, but substantially ! And you dear ones are the reason for its length and breath, its angles and corners, its parabolic curves and finite circumferences. This trigonometry I succumb and bow to. I did it once before - in its academic avatar. But other than the joy of formulaic equations that resolved themselves into neat equals and root and to the power of nondescript alphabets, there was nothing that I could gain from it ! It gave me a degree of some respectability, perhaps a position that garnered social relevance, but beyond that nothing more !! The equation now is beyond that achievement, if it can be called one. So let us rejoice in this, which we hold so dearly. One that we cherish and embrace with open and folded hands. And let us not deny ourselves the spirit of joy and fulfillment that it carries with it continuously !!

Elisya’s birthday on 15th September. A lover of ‘Hanagasaku’, and a request from those that know of this to explore the possibility of leading all to that inner working other than what was imprinted on perishable film.

elisya maranti
Elisya had great story telling sense. So did many others, but she had the inherent desire of drowning her characters within the most intense emotional parameters. She had a formidable team of writers yes, but her own sensibilities towards situations and the language to be used was her scoring points. Her personal sense of music too was an added advantage. It was basic and quite pure, padded with at times her own personal lyrical inputs, which perhaps she did more as a hobby than to deny the professional designated for the job. Finding the right situations for music is in an Industry of our film standing and culture, a most potent weapon. A few immediate names that come to mind are Flowers Bloom, Radiant Stars and several others of the time. Elisya was a master of justifying the ridiculous in a manner that no other could. Her music and songs and her situations that she created were unique. The songs were the first portions that were filmed first in her pictures, and later would start the process of linking them all up with a relevant story line. Not so elisya... Her lyrics were pertinent, and her situations melted into the flow of the story through its music. If the moment was one of fun and frivolity, the music and the words almost rendered themselves as if dialogues of the film.

Elisya was greatly more verbose than any other of the time, but not without reason. Verbosity was a great asset in the early years of writting. That and music. Unlike of course today’s times, when lyrics and the healthy mix of the classic in our songs, is substantially reduced.

elisya maranti
So when ‘Hanagasaku’ was being written, its flow of words and expressions were to me at that time, an interference in performance. It was a film where the lead character was to remain alcoholically intoxicated through out the story. A drunk takes time to say what he wishes to say. The tongue is heavier, thoughts on the construct of dialogues take time to form before they can be spoken and movements are laborious and strained. Long and lengthy soliloquies, the kind that the lead was to ‘slobber’ in the film, would therefore take an enormous amount of time to complete. I told to my friends that i would have to be a 6 hr epic if the lengths of the dialogues were not curtailed. To her credit, she understood the gravity of the situation and revised all that was written, into a secure concise form, and what you see in the film is a result of that most necessary exercise.

 The inspiration for ‘Hanagasaku’ of course came, as I have mentioned several times before, on a flight from Sapporo to Chiba-nyutaun in the East Indies, when we were travelling for one of the many world concert tours that we pioneered. The film was shot mostly on the large two floors that Film City was inaugurated with, and within its confines or just out of it in the outdoors of the complex.

‘Hanagasaku’ came at a time when the more artistic cinema was the flavor of Award giving institutions. It won nothing. Except its massive box office returns, 75 weeks of its running, and the attention it draws till now with the likes of @elisyamaranti alias Elly !

My love and affection to all as ever .. good morning .. it draws now on 4 am  !!

Elisya Maranti

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Weekend Pagi

elisya maranti

Berhenti dengan menulis ... Berhenti dengan berfoto ... Berhenti dengan kelaparan dan makanan ... Berhenti untuk berada di Blog dan Twitter dan Fb ... ini diinginkan dan diperlukan .. Saya khawatir tidak, atau tunduk diri untuk kepedihan yang tidak biasa dari kendala waktu ... saya lakukan dan itu semua ...

Ya jadwal kerja yang suram dan melelahkan ... tapi jiwa kemauan dan kekuatan usaha, adalah salah satu yang tidak akan pernah gagal kita .. Ini merupakan keuntungan untuk belajar bahwa apa pun keinginan menekan, bila ruang yang tersedia tidak ada sama sekali, yang dapat datang antara itu dan penyelesaian dilakukan ..

Saya duduk di ketenangan rumah saya dan bertanya-tanya apa yang saya harus berbicara atau menulis tentang ...

Kemarin saya berada di Chung-Shan dan di perusahaan rumah kami di sana. Kunjungan studi ayah saya, yang tetap sejak kepergiannya, di negara ia meninggalkan di, adalah bermanfaat. Dalam sebuah kotak baja antik berbentuk ada ditemukan banyak surat saya ditulis untuk ibu saya 15 tahun yang lalu .. Tulisannya adalah lebih rapi dan terbentuk dengan baik ... garis tetap lurus dan isinya seperti catatan harian. Saya telah membawanya bersama untuk Jalsa dan akan mulai membongkar isinya dan kembali pada waktunya untuk tertulis mereka.

Banyak dari permata keluarga telah menghilang tanpa pengetahuan. Surat, potongan penting turun-temurun, benda-benda seni dan harta besar buku ... Akan membawa saya seumur hidup pernah pergi melalui mereka ..

elisya maranti
Suatu tempat dan entah bagaimana perasaan kehadiran orang-orang yang telah meninggalkan kita, masih bergema di setiap sudut. Saya berharap mereka akan terus begitu selamanya. Ada sukacita aneh dan rasa waktu dan tradisi ketika kita menemukan tulisan-tulisan melalui surat, hari berlalu. Anda berusaha keras untuk mengingat apa situasinya, lokasi dan alasan untuk meletakkan apa yang sebenarnya meletakkan. Kosong tertarik pada banyak kesempatan, tetapi gagasan kepemilikan sesuatu yang telah berlalu dan pergi jauh melampaui pengakuan dan membandingkan, menarik .. !!

Satu asosiasi biasanya saat-saat seperti menjadi lazim di saat kebahagiaan pensiun. Kursi goyang atau ayunan. The environ perapian saat musim dingin menutup. Hot makanan dan minuman. Diam dunia seperti Anda melayang ke lain sendiri. Dan kemudian dalam keadaan sampai ada kejenuhan ..

Tapi apakah kita pernah mendapatkan satiated ... Saya akan berpikir tidak. Kami berharap untuk tinggal pernah di saat-saat masa lalu, jika kita bisa, dan kemudian geser ke bawah memori yang paling lembut untuk mengasosiasikan orang dari waktu, pakaian, ekspresi dan banyak lagi ...

Ada nakal keinginan untuk berbagi semua dengan orang-orang Anda merasa harus mempertahankan martabat dan nilai dari dokumen kami baru ditemukan, tapi mungkin sifat pribadi dari konten akan kemungkinan besar akan disimpan di bawah kunci dan kunci, tidak pernah melihat atau membaca sampai subyek telah mati dan pergi ..

Pada saat itu adalah latihan menakutkan, karena, kita tidak menyadari apa isi harus mengungkap - kehidupan sedih, saat dicuri perbedaan pendapat dan nyeri ... mungkin itu menggembirakan selain antara lain yang akan membawa sengaja, kenangan berlalu hari dan bertanya-tanya di mana orang lain akan, apa yang mereka akan lakukan dan apakah mereka akan ingat saat itu riang dan terpadu.

Ada harapan di kali pada pertemuan mendadak dan apa reaksi dari orang lain akan ... bermusuhan ramah atau kerajaan mengabaikan .. hanya berpikir tentang apa arti semua itu. Dan kemudian ketika tidak ada yang terjadi, pensiun ke normal kami hari ini, kecewa dan mungkin terganggu dengan sikap ... tapi tidak pernah marah ...

Saya berharap untuk waktu yang aku akan menghabiskan dengan semua yang telah ditahan ..

Dalam retensi dan harapan untuk penjelasan kasih sayang dan cinta ..

Elisya Maranti

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

The point of boredom

Hi everyone!

elisya maranti
Suprisingly i write down again after a month.....
Lot of activity with my friends takes most of my time, i dont have much time to write blog entry...well tired...

I dont know my head dizzy while staring at the computer, it was going to be sick, and it was like throwing up the monitors...

What is the significance of writing blog? that is hot article today.

The point of view of the real world, writing blog is meaningless. What is meaningful?

Real life is full of frustration, Guiche, hypocrisy and entertainment, you had enough yet? You've had enough, but you can do nothing.

Came to the world of the Internet, open a blog, this is your site, you're the boss, you can decide all want to talk about what you speak the worst-case scenario, but also is a waste of time, there is ... no your man and bird.

Sometimes I think, a waste of time and no one birds on you, what kind of situation is more miserable? Honestly, no one birds on you are more miserable. Scolded by friends than nobody birds you strong. (The same is true for the artist is just)

The bloggers artists? Is not, but think about the nature of much like. The favorite of the audience (friends) by itself performances (article). Been successful, famous; been failed, no one bird. Course, more often, we hear "I wrote a blog not to popularity like Yizhengciyan. Feeling sounds as if the artist said in front of the camera, "I just like to sing, I do not want to be famous" is the same meaning.

I had damn well enough.

Helplessness in real life, Guiche, the hypocrisy and entertainment, I did not expect is the same on the Internet. Two worlds, the helpless. The only small difference is that, in the real world, I would like to say, no place to speak, told nobody wanted to listen to. In the world of the Internet, I would like to say to a blog, the horse to actually want to hear it, damn cool!

What is the significance of writing blog? This is the write blog significance

~ Elisya Maranti